Babatunde Emmanuel Durowaiye, Anthony Odo Agbor


This paper reveals the experience of some chosen young people in both rural and urban setting in Nigeria, precisely in Kogi State. It is an empirical analysis of young people’s knowledge drawn from a qualitative research method, using both the in-depth interviews (IDIs) and the focus group discussions (FGDs). This paper tends to explain poverty in relation to secondary school education in relation to young people’s experience. It reveals the family life and daily routine, economic activities, education and aspiration or future ambitions of the young people under study. It further implicated the young people’s religious activities, family economic status, size or structure of the young people’s life in relation to their access to secondary schools in both rural and urban areas. Lastly, the paper was able to express the experience of the young people’s access to secondary schools in relation to their gender practices as a parlance to accessing secondary school education. It concludes by making some recommendations for policy makers and government in relation to young people’s access to secondary schools in Nigeria


Family structure, Poverty,Rural, Secondary schools, and, Urban

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